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What is ✨Embodied Enterprise✨ ?
✨EE✨ is a  LIVE experience that helps BIPOC healers achieve SOVEREIGNTY in their lives, without burning out, by showing you how to CREATE your most TRANSFORMATIVE online offering in only 12 WEEKS. Whether you’re a noob or a PRO at the internet, I walk you through how to CONFIDENTLY BREATHE LIFE into your most POWERFUL online service or course, so that you SAVE yourself time + emotional labor by getting the expert GUIDANCE you need for sustainable change.
You’ll discover:
✨How to decolonize your idea of business, so that you can tune into your inherent entrepreneurial spirit
✨ The contrast between our Pre-Colombian economy + the economy we're navigating today, as BIPOC small business owners.
✨ The root of what's really holding you back from intersecting your identities as a healer/helper + entrepreneur.
✨ What you need to focus on, in order to navigate capitalism with grace, so that you directly heal your lineage
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